Welcome to the new world of Digital Workstations. Genos is the new benchmark in Digital Workstation sound, design and user experience.Whether you are in a recording studio or on stage, Genos will inspire and intensify your musical creation and performance.
Genos: The Journey Continues
Since the release of Genos, Yamaha's revolutionary workstation has thrilled musicians across the globe. Inspired by the enthusiasm, feedback and experience of so many owners, we are excited to take Genos even further with the release of version 1.4. This extensive update brings new performance possibilities for Live Controls, new assignable options, enhancements of the user interface and the ability to connect an external screen. Version 1.4 will be available in June 2019 as a free update. It represents Yamaha's commitment to not stand still as we continue to expand an already incredible musical instrument... and the journey is not over. We’d like to thank all of the Genos community for their continued support.
A comprehensive guide to the similarities between the Tyros and Genos models as well as the new features that are available.
Take Control Of Your Music
Welcome to the new world of Digital Workstations. Genos is the new benchmark in Digital Workstation sound, design and user experience.Whether you are in a recording studio or on stage, Genos will inspire and intensify your musical creation and performance.
The best sound quality ever on a Digital Workstation
Powered by specially developed Yamaha technology, the sonic quality of every Voice in Genos is beyond any other Digital Workstation you've ever played. Everything you hear, whether it be the beautiful CFX piano, the lush Kino Strings or the punchy Revo!Drums, it just blows you away!
-AEM (Articulation Element Modeling)
This technology simulates the characteristics of musical instruments. During a performance the technology sounds appropriate samples, in real time, according to what and how you play. Samples are smoothly joined and articulated—as would naturally occur on an actual acoustic instrument.
Revo!Drum Voices recreate the authentic sound of drums. Even when playing the same key multiple times, the sound is always of a different nuance, making it incredibly natural and realistic.
Whether you create or perform music, you need great content. Genos features a diverse range of contents, starting from 1,710 instrument sound, 550 backing patterns, 216 arpeggios and more.
-Ready to go content
Genos features stunning contents which will inspire you from the moment you start to play.
From Reverb to Distortion, Rotary Speaker to Compressor, Genos boasts unprecedented DSP power. Using the same VCM technology as Yamaha’s professional high-end mixing consoles, Genos has the tools to create the perfect sound. Not only do the effects sound great, they look great too—with a stunning graphical user interface.
Vocal Harmony & Synth Vocoder
You can automatically apply various Vocal Harmony effects to your voice as you sing, or you can use the Synth Vocoder to craft the unique characteristics of your voice onto synthesizer and other sounds.
Expand your music
You can continually expand the onboard content of your Genos by creating and installing your own custom or purchased Packs. The scope of possibilities for new sounds and styles is virtually unlimited.
-YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager)
YEM is PC/Mac software designed to manage the Expansion contents for Yamaha keyboards, and even enables you to create your own new sounds and loops.
-Integrated Flash Memory
Genos includes 1.8GB of user flash memory with high speed reading/writing for your own Voices.
Intuitive and fast control
Genos features an intuitive interface for music making and sound creation.
-Touch Screen
Select and change parameters directly with the new 9" colour touch screen.
-Assignable buttons
While performing, you often need to act fast to access certain features. Choose from a range of functions to set to the 6+1 assignable panel buttons and with just a single touch, you can instantly recall your desired function.
Style Engine
Genos features a variety of rhythmic backing patterns and accompaniments (called “Styles”) in variety of different musical genres. Styles feature sophisticated patterns to inspire your creativity. You give the idea and Genos will react to you.
Registration Memory
The Registration Memory function allows you to save (or “register”) virtually all panel settings to a Registration Memory button, and then instantly recall your custom panel settings by simply pressing a single button.
Turn great ideas into reality
Start from the original idea of a song, pick an instrument Voice and Style of your choice. Play and work out the arrangement and capture it as a MIDI song. Then, overdub some sounds and create your demo or even your finished track.
Recording function (MIDI/Audio)
Quickly record your performance as audio (WAV) or Standard MIDI File (SMF) with the Quick Recording feature. For more complex arrangements, Multi Recording features a fully functional 16-track MIDI sequencer with realtime and steptime functionality.
When you are happy with your recording, it can be stored to the internal User Drive or saved to USB Memory for easy sharing.
- Digital output
The new S/PDIF Digital output can be connected to compatible studio equipment or home theatre to output audio from Genos without any loss in quality.
Genos has 216 Arpeggios to enhance your performance. There are a variety of arpeggio types, some are straight forward instrument arpeggios, others recreate strumming guitar effects and controller arpeggios automate Live Control by adjusting sound filters in realtime as you perform.
High quality keyboard action
The FSX keyboard features a premium action with aftertouch. The keys are created in a high-precision manufacturing process for an incredibly durable keybed, enhanced key stability and "fast" action. The 76-key professional keyboard features enhanced touch response allowing for highly expressive and dynamic performances.
Direct Access
The Direct Access feature provides a shortcut to a wide variety of Genos functions. Simply press the Direct Access button followed by another panel button or footswitch to jump directly to relevant controls in the display.
Enhance your performance (Style Engine)
Whatever genre of music you wish to perform, Genos is ready to accompany you with world-class arrangements, punchy drums and powerful DSP/Effect. Never has there been a more perfect personal backing band.
Add some flavor to your performance (Multi Pads)
The Multi Pad can be used to play a number of short pre-recorded rhythmic and melodic sequences and loops that allow you to add impact and variety to your keyboard performance.
-Audio Link Multi Pad
Multi Pads do not only work with MIDI data, they also allow you to create unique, new pad content with your own audio (WAV) data for playing back during your performance.
High quality output
The audio output of Genos has been completely redesigned to deliver professional quality sound from your keyboard.
- New output circuit
The new 32bit Digital Audio Converter (DAC) provides high quality defined sound across a wide frequency range, ensuring Genos always cuts through the mix.
-Sub out
Genos features four Sub line-out connections that you can use to adapt your sound to various situations.
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Posibilitatea de a testa produsul în sălile de testare la magazinul din Praga
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Transport gratuit la cumpărături peste 590 Lei
Dacă sunteți unul dintre cumpărătorii pasionați de muzică, veți aprecia faptul că vom livra gratuit toate comenzile în valoare de 590 Lei sau mai mult. Acest serviciu nu se aplică comenzilor supradimensionate.
Garanție extinsă de 3 ani
Muzica cultivă lumea din jurul nostru, iar noi oferim servicii premium astfel încât să putem ajuta muzicienii în arta lor. În plus față de alte beneficii, vă puteți aștepta, de asemenea, la o garanție extinsă de 3 ani.
30 de zile de încercare
Se poate întâmpla ca instrumentul, în ciuda unei selecţii meticuloase, să nu îndeplinească aşteptările dumneavoastră. Deoarece ne dorim să fiţi 100% mulţumiţi de instrumentele noastre, vă oferim posibilitatea returnării produselor în 30 de zile de la cumpărare. Pentru bunurile achiziționate în perioada 1 noiembrie - 24 decembrie, oferim posibilitatea de a le schimba cu alte bunuri până la data de 31 ianuarie a anului următor. Mai multe informaţii aici.
La returnarea produselor, suportăm costurile de transport
Obiectivul nostru este de a vă permite să vă concentraţi numai asupra dumneavoastră şi muzicii dumneavoastră. Dacă vă veţi decide să returnați sau să înlocuiţi bunurile preluare, în primele 14 zile de la achiziţionare vom aranja ridicarea lor pe cheltuiala noastră. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să ne contactaţi prin e-mail pe adresa . De acest serviciu puteţi beneficia o dată la 90 de zile. În restul de 16 zile, ne puteţi returna bunurile pe propria cheltuială. Mai multe informaţii aici.
La fiecare comandă obţineţi reducere
Fiecare achiziţie pe care o veţi efectua pe e-shopul Kytary.ro va însemna nu numai o mare bucurie, dar şi un bonus pentru clienţi, pe care îl puteţi economisi în contul dumneavoastră de client. Preţul oricărei alte comenzi ulterioare poate fi redus cu valoarea acestui bonus. Mai multe informaţii privind bonusul pentru clienţi.
Ați găsit un preț mai bun la concurență?
Ați găsit bunuri identice la un preț mai mic? Vom face tot posibilul ca să reducem prețul și mai mult.
Pot fi comparate numai bunurile oferite de un comerciant certificat care operează pe piața noastră și care are aceste bunuri în stoc.
Vă mulțumim pentru interesul de a face cumpărături la noi.
După examinarea prețului competitiv, vă vom contacta cu o ofertă potențială privind un preț mai bun.
Procesări automate
Funcționarea bateriei
Tip de claviatură
Dinamic cu aftertouch
Suprafața claviaturii
Număr de clape
Dimensiune clape
Suport format
Număr de sunete
Intrări și ieșiri
3x Pedal, Midi In, 2x Jack TS 6,3 mm (L/Mono, R), XLR/TRS (mic/line)
Headphone Jack 6,3 mm TRS, 2x Jack 6,3 mm TS, Sub 1/2, Sub 3/4
Vă vom contacta în scurt timp pentru a rezolva împreuna solicitarea.
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